Exploring Woodland Photography in Kings Wood.

Today, I am on a scouting trip. Looking to make pictures in ancient woodland near Ashford in Kent.

I’ve longed to go out with the camera all week and decided that a woodland setting would be the best today, especially since I did not get up early.

By the time I set out in the car, it was nearly midday, and the force was strong with the midday sun.

Since the wood was large and starred Conifers and Beeches, I figured there would be a good chance the canopy would obscure and filter the harsh middle-of-the-day sunlight.

Standing with Giants

Standing with Giants

Let me say this I love this image. I didn’t remember it after a couple of hours wandering around the vast Kings Wood. I didn’t see it at first when downloading and reviewing the images later that day. It was about a week later; when reviewing the shoot on my phone, I spotted it and let out an audible wow!

Coppice, Woodland Art and Life

Coppice, Woodland Art and Life

Wandering aimlessly around an ancient wood is not how I'd describe my first foray into the vast Kings Wood. A place where Tudor Kings and Princes would hunt, makes a very good spot for a bit of image hunting

Forest of Ferns Beckoning

Forest of Ferns Beckoning

Thoughts of Lothlórien, the forest of the elves from Lord of the Rings were present as I pondered how far I could venture before adders got me.