Slay in all your lanes

Morlene Fisher

So many of us choose to stay/play/slay in a single lane throughout our careers.

Often because someone in our life has told us that’s what we have to do to excel. That’s fine if that’s what you want.

We’ve all had to deal with the global upheaval caused by Covid 19. The pandemic and losing both my parents within months of each other, granted me the time and space to change how I look at the notion of ‘work’.

I am interested in many things and have chosen to cultivate a career that engages all my interests. This site is how I’ve chosen to represent my work; as a studio embracing all the creative arts I produce.

As a photographer, I love portraiture but living in picturesque Kent. has led me to explore landscape and seascape photography in a significant way.

As a writer, I am working on book projects in the areas of Technology, Food, Self Development and even Poetry.

As a developer, I design and build solutions to solve problems for creatives who want to have a robust presence online.

I’m a visual sociologist that enjoys discovery and exploring the many intersections that comprise the experiences of our lives. As such, I am looking forward to my next project, Expat, during which I’ll be researching the stories of people that live outside the country where they were born.

I hope you will enjoy the work you see here, it’s my passion, and it gives me life!

Slay In Your Lane by Yomi Adegoke and Elizabeth Uviebinené