
Sometimes I like to write about photography.

It may be a show, zine, learning about photography, or even the work of other photographers. This space is varied and I hope to grow it to s resource that helps me retain some of the things I’ve seen, but also helps other photographers who may be looking for inspiration with their photography practice.

An AI Image Is Not a Real Photo Right?

An AI Image Is Not a Real Photo Right?

I was a bit astonished when checking out the submission rules for a major photography grant to see that they accepted AI generated images as long as the artist marked the submission as such. AI images are generated by software, this is not about post production on images made with a camera, but only created using prompts, there's not a light painting device in sight. Surely AI images are not real photographs, or are they?

Demystifying Image Metadata - a Guide to Exif and IPTC

Demystifying Image Metadata - a Guide to Exif and IPTC

Discover the power of image metadata for your photography workflow. In this guide, I delve into the world of EXIF data, unveil IPTC metadata's role in media, and explore the versatility of XMP. Learn how understanding and managing metadata can revolutionize your photography workflow and enhance media organization. Take control of your digital assets today!

Use Landscape Photography to boost Mental Wellbeing

Use Landscape Photography to boost Mental Wellbeing

It's no secret that COVID-19 affected our mental wellbeing. We are more stressed, anxious and battling depression. In this post, I explore how getting back to nature through the lens of Landscape photography can positively impact your wellbeing.

Margaret Soraya Being a Creative Introvert

Margaret Soraya Being a Creative Introvert

Scottish photographer Margaret Soraya speaks to Sean Tucker about her introverted nature and her life living and photographing on the Isle of Harris. In this film we learn a bit about her history and process.

Great House Echoes

Great House Echoes

Great Houses on Plantations was where the Owner lived. Now they are renovated and used for tourist and events.

Your Audience Mirrors You

Your Audience Mirrors You

Thinking about how to target clients that you want to work with, the info provided by a music business specialist is golden

Why I Went To Photography School

Why I Went To Photography School

I went to photography school not because I wanted to learn how to make photographs but understand more about photography. Sounds obvious? It isn’t as apparent as first perceived. When I got into photography, I was about 16 years old. It was something I thought I would enjoy, and I was right.