Early Dawn, Whitstable

Early Dawn, Whitstable

Up before the sun, we got to Whitstable, just as the sun was breaking the horizon. The tide was mostly out this morning, I hadn’t really checked if it was an incoming or receding tide at that point, but since there was much beach, I think it was probably a receding low tide by the time I got set up.

Today, my compositions included the beach markers and the groynes. Using long shutter speeds and neutral density filters. The aim was to find a composition that included the orange glows coming from the rising sun in the golden hour and smooth out the waves using long exposures.

I was using the wide-angle 16-35 zoom, but I didn’t really consider the filter or the lens hood vignetting at the widest focal length.

As I shot raw, this was not a problem as I was able to recover the detail in the most notable image and created something that turned out to be really special and will be available as a print


In the kitbag today

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