Photographer ~ Writer

Hello, and welcome to my website. I’m very glad to have you join me here to see what I’ve been doing these past months.

Summer Lightning and Other Stories

Summer Lightning and Other Stories

“Teacher ask me to write composition about The Most Unforgettable Character I Ever Meet and I write three page about Miss Rilla and Teacher tear it up and say that Miss Rilla not fit person to write composition about and right away I feel bad the same way I feel the day Miss Rilla go and die on me.

How to Make More of Your Back Catalogue as an Artist

How to Make More of Your Back Catalogue as an Artist

Your back catalogue can be an absolute goldmine, if you give yourself the chance to see images with fresh eyes

Todo lists Are for Losers

Todo lists Are for Losers

Recording your achievments as a daily prctice can help you relieve stress and anxiety, but does it help with procrastination.

Tavares Strachan There Is Light Somewhere

Tavares Strachan There Is Light Somewhere

Showcasing the work of this fantastic artist, the exhibition is mind blowing, such diversity and wonder

Black Joy Up Close and Personal

Black Joy Up Close and Personal

Presented by Playing the Race Card and curated by Lorna Hamilton-Brown RCA MBE, this is a stellar example of the talent that has always been present, but seldom seen in the Black community. A major exhibition of the work of 40 talented black artists from the South East.

What to Watch June '24 Edition

What to Watch June '24 Edition

Lots of Sci-Fi, well I say lots, a few and a bit of historical drama thrown in, this month's viewing was light but still some old favourites in there.

An AI Image Is Not a Real Photo Right?

An AI Image Is Not a Real Photo Right?

I was a bit astonished when checking out the submission rules for a major photography grant to see that they accepted AI generated images as long as the artist marked the submission as such. AI images are generated by software, this is not about post production on images made with a camera, but only created using prompts, there's not a light painting device in sight. Surely AI images are not real photographs, or are they?

It's World Naked Bike Ride Day

It's World Naked Bike Ride Day

We’re finishing up and getting to leave the fantastic Limin Southbank and all of a sudden a commotion at the far end of the restaurant draws our attention. Hundreds of bikes are going past on Upper Ground, this might not have been a thing apart from the fact that all the riders were stark naked.

Photographed by Morlene Fisher

To Be A Writer, There's Only One Truth You Really Need To Know

Writing is perceived as a hard thing to do. There are plenty of online resources that will help you to acquire the skills to be a good writer, but there is one truth that you need to know to get started as a writer. This post discusses how you can harness the power of this truth to begin your writing career.

Is Dancing Queen the Greatest Pop Song Ever?

Is Dancing Queen the Greatest Pop Song Ever?

When you stop for a dance break to give your brain a rest, you could do a lot worse than putting on a bit of ABBA. Soon enough the cobwebs are gone, but you might find it hard to return to work especially if like me you have ABBA's Dancing Queen in your playlist, I think this song just might be the best pop song ever recorded